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Our Mission

Our mission as Physical Educators is to educate our students on the importance of being active throughout their lifetime. We accomplish this through fitness related activities, individual and team play, and adventure education. 

We provide opportunities for students to set, achieve, and evaluate personal fitness goals through fitness related activities that include cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, and muscular strength and endurance.  The students are able to monitor and evaluate their progress throughout the school year by utilizing modern technology, fitness testing, and personal and peer evaluation. 

Working together through individual and team play, students are able to cooperatively create a learning atmosphere that is safe, respectful, and tolerant of a wide range of abilities and learning styles. The students will acquire motor skills that will allow them to demonstrate physical competency while learning game concepts and strategies. 

Combining team building, physical fitness activities, and individual and team play together in an environment that emphasizes leadership, decision making and communication will encourage students to become active for a lifetime.

Class Expectations and Requirements

We believe that Physical Education is a vital component for the development of a student’s physical, mental, and social well-being. Therefore, to ensure success dressing out for PE is mandatory. This minimized hygiene and safety concerns while allowing for full freedom of movement. Students should not stay in the clothing they wore to school during physical education classes. Students are expected to purchase and wear PE uniforms, which can be purchased through the school year-round. The CHIDDIX JUNIOR HIGH PE UNIFORM consists of a grey t-shirt, black athletic shorts or sweats (no spandex or leggings) with the last name printed on both items and appropriate athletic footwear. If a family prefers to purchase their own uniform, they can do so as long as it meets the requirements explained above. All non-PE clothing that does not comply with the dressing rules will receive alternative disciplinary action. Students are also mandated to purchase a lock either from Chiddix Junior High School or an alternative store to lock all their belongings in their locker with their own combination lock. Students may NOT share locker space with other students. The PE Department will not accept responsibility for lost items. Lastly, cell phones are NOT permitted in class or in the locker rooms.

Medical Excuses

ALL excused medicals are not required to dress or participate in physical education.  In the event a student must miss or have class participation modified for 1 to 3 days due to a medical condition, a written note from a parent, or legal guardian is required. More than three days on a medical excuse will require a note from a physician, indicating the student’s limitation and length of modification.  If a release date is not included in the physician's note, students will be required to attain a release form to return to PE.